Man Dumps Wife Pregnant with Quintuplets The Single Mom Proudly Shows Beautiful Kids at 7

Oksana Kobeletska and her then-partner | Oksana Kobeletska and her daughter | Source:

A couple had one young daughter and no plans of expanding their family when they received unexpected news — the woman was pregnant, and her husband was not thrilled by the development.

Starting a family is a big decision, and raising more than one child takes lots of planning and strength. One couple was surprised when they discovered news of another pregnancy.

They were not trying to have more kids, but an ultrasound revealed another bundle of joy was on the way. The mother embraced the next step in the family's journey, but her spouse had a different and upsetting reaction.

The Surprising Pregnancy News

When Oksana Kobeletska from Ukraine told her spouse she was pregnant, he did not respond as she had anticipated. The revelation surprised both parents, but her husband's reaction gave Kobeletska an even bigger shock.

The mom-of-one revealed they were caught off-guard when doctors announced she was expecting more than one baby. She expressed:

"Nobody in our family has ever had it. There was not a single case of that kind. Generally speaking, I didn't expect it and never anticipated it."

She recalled how the doctor's facial expression changed when he looked at the ultrasound. Kobeletska initially thought she had a tumor or something was wrong with the unborn child — and she was terrified.

The Husband Did Something Unthinkable

Thankfully, the doctor only seemed shocked by the scan because he saw more than one little heartbeat. Kobeletska said, "I can't even imagine right now how it is going to be to raise so many children at once."

Her husband, Serhii, evidently couldn't imagine raising a string of children, so he did the unthinkable — he dumped his wife and left her to fend for herself and their kids alone. Kobeletska was devastated because her partner left a few months before the babies were born. She expressed:

"Perhaps he realized he couldn’t bear it. He was frightened and said that I was smartest and was to respond."

The Record-Setting Babies

The mother couldn't explain how she remained sane during the pregnancy but chose to embrace her miracle. The babies were conceived without in-vitro fertilization and set a record in their country of birth.

Kobeletska carried five babies for seven months and was delighted to meet her quintuplets in 2016. They were primarily sick for their first year on earth and needed intensive care.

The Family Received Lots of Support from the Public

After spending plenty of time in the hospital, Denis, Dariya, Vladyslav, Oleksandra, and David were discharged and sent home. Kobeletska was grateful for the support she received from family, friends, and kind strangers.

She shared that volunteers offered help and assistance when they heard her story via the local media. The president also gave her a car, and the city mayor presented her with an apartment big enough to house her entire family.

Her Husband Returned Home

Serhii made a reappearance after his wife received various generous donations. She was happy to have him back for the sake of the kids. However, the couple quarreled on their very first day together again.

The father soon realized he could not handle the kids and the responsibilities of nurturing all of them. He left the family again, and he did not return this time.

Kobeletska's mother, Olga, was a great help and never left her side. "The head of our domestic chores is our granny. She is responsible for cooking and washing," Kobeletska noted.

The Family Was Doing Well

Olga made more than ten liters of stew daily to feed her hungry grandkids, and thanks to the overwhelming support, the quintuplets started attending kindergarten and were doing well.

The single mother worked as a blogger and has had lots of success sharing her story with the world. Kobeletska's daily experiences resonated with many parents, and she gained hundreds of thousands of followers online.

Her life story inspired others and displayed that there are no challenges a loving mom can't overcome. Kobeletska also pursued legal action against her former spouse and was excited to move forward with her life.

It Became Her Greatest Joy in Life

Kobeletska has dreams of traveling the world with her beloved kids and said, "It turned out [to be] my greatest happiness, my prize. I think that God somehow has prepared me, and I was awaiting this miracle."

Kobeletska was a supermom, and despite being let down by her spouse, she persevered and carved a great life for her family. Her children are thriving and are now seven years old. What do you think about her husband's actions, and what would you do if you were left to raise six kids alone?

Click here for another story about a single mother of 13 who gave birth to quadruplets. Critics were unhappy about her decision to have such a big family at her age.
