George Galloway Net Worth

#Fact1Lampooned by Mitchell and Webb.2Critic of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.3In October 2010, the ban on George Galloway by the Canadian government was overturned and he entered the country. He also threatened the Canadian government for the incident.4Is considering running for a seat in the Scottish Parliament for the Scottish general elections 2011.5Returned to talkSPORT on 10th September 2010 with a new show similar to his original, but this time called The Week with George Galloway. The show is broadcast during the 10PM-1AM on Friday nights.6Considered running as mayor in London Borough of Tower Hamlets under the RESPECT Party ticket.7Defeated in the 2010 UK general election. He was contesting in the Poplar and Limehouse constituency where he finished at 3rd place, losing to Jim Fitzpatrick of the Labour party.8His last broadcast of his talk show was on 27th March 2010. UTV, the company who owns Talksport has announced that George Galloway's show is to be axed. Shortly after wards, Galloway has stated in his website that he will start a new talk show on Rebel radio.9In Bethnal Green & Bow, the seat he give up to represent neighboring district Poplar & Limehouse (and lost his re-election there), was re-gained by the Labour party in the 2010 UK general election.10Outspoken critic of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.11Mother is Irish.12Third wife Rima Husseini gave birth to son Zein on May 2007.13Opposes Scottish independence and supports Irish re-unification.14Raised in a Catholic household.15Magazine The Spectator awarded Galloway Debate of the Year at one point.16Was a keen boxer in his teen years.17On 22 April 2008, Galloway was hit with a stress ball while campaigning in London from an open-top bus. The rubber stress ball was thrown at him from a first floor window of a nearby office building by an office worker.18Has always stated that his 'Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability,' speech was addressed to the Iraqi people and not Saddam Hussein.19Supports Celtic Football club.20Does not drink alcohol. His father refers to alcohol as a 'Curse of the working class'.21Is a vocal critic of Israel. He has stated that Zionism and Judaism are two entirely completely different things and the former has nothing to do with the religion.22Runs a talk radio show on Talksport, every Friday and Saturday from 10pm to 1am. It is billed as the 'Mother of all Talkshows'.23Runs two programmes on Iranian state tv called Press TV. One is a live show called Comment where he reads e-mails and SMS texts from people around the world as well as answering calls. The other is a pre-recorded programme called The Real Deal where he debates with his guests.24Staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause and was a friend of Yasser Arafat.25Favours the dismantling of all nuclear weapons.26In early 2009, he started a humanitarian organisation called 'Viva Palestina' after the 2008-2009 bombings of the Gaza strip by the Israeli Defence Forces. On 14th February 2009, him and hundreds volunteers launched the convoy comprising approximately 120 vehicles intended for use in the Strip, including a fire engine donated by the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), 12 ambulances, a boat and trucks full of medicines, tools, clothes, blankets and gifts for children. The 5,000-mile route passed through Belgium, France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.27On 8 April 2009, Galloway joined Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic to launch Viva Palestina US.28In May 2005, a U.S. Senate committee report accused Galloway along with former French minister Charles Pasqua of receiving the right to buy oil under the UN's oil-for-food scheme. The report was issued by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Senator Norm Coleman, a Republican from Minnesota. The report cited further documents from the Iraqi oil ministry and interviews with Iraqi officials. He was ultimately cleared off all charges.29On 10 June 2007, he was attacked by people attending the Orange Order Parade because he is a Celtic Fan. The incident took place at Glasgow airport. No arrests were made.30Participated in the 4th series of Big Brother celebrity. He infamously imitated a cat drinking milk.31As a result of his involvement in Viva Palestina, he was banned from entering Canada on 20th March 2009.32Was expelled from the Labour party on 22 October 2003 at a committee hearing on the grounds that Galloway objected to the war.33Won the London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow by 823 votes over Labour candidate Oona King. He is the only MP for the left wing party RESPECT.34Will stand in Poplar and Limehouse constituency on the next general election.35Writes an article every Monday on the Daily Record.36Elected MP for Bethnal Green & Bow as a member of the anti-Iraq war Respect party, following his expulsion from the ruling New Labour Party in May 2005.
